Beauty meets bounty.

Merck Sharp & Dohme FCU’s new vigor™ VISA® Credit Card shines in more ways than one.
The age-old dilemma of “form over function” is a conversation that we, especially as designers and marketers, never get tired of having. If something looks beautiful but doesn’t work properly, is it successful? Designers will be the first to admit that our eye tends to naturally gravitate towards shiny objects. But if that shiny object fails to live up to its allure, then what is its purpose in the long run?
Creating a product brand that is beautiful and dynamic can certainly increase the chances of members sitting up and taking notice. But if the object of this spiffy new brand doesn’t deliver on its promise, it’s a failure. So, for us it’s always about balance.
Take Pennsylvania’s Merck Sharp & Dohme Federal Credit Union, for example. Having the luxury of pharmaceutical giant Merck as their primary SEG provides an ideal membership base for a new high-end credit card they planned to introduce in 2020. After all, their membership certainly understands the value of function but can also appreciate form. Our mission: Give them both.
Adding this credit card to MSD’s VISA® lineup positions a high-end product, completely proprietary to MSD FCU, directly in front of an ideal prospective audience. Now, pair this branded card with offers such as bonus CURewards® points and 0% APR for 12 months on both purchases and balance transfers made within the first three months, and you’ve got a card that functions—a card that works as beautifully as it is beautiful. You’ve got a card with vigor.
A vigor-ous card, full of strength (spending power), vitality (rewards) and energy (0% APR for 12 months) should look the part. We designed vigor™ with that in mind. Using deep saturated colors and a slight metallic coating, it’s a card that certainly shines inside the wallet and out. On top of that, it’s a card that only Merck Sharp & Dohme FCU members have access to.
In a time when the credit card market is more competitive than ever, offering a truly special card to your members—one that provides both form and function—sends them the message that this credit union truly “gets” its members and has its members’ backs.