Passing of the torch.

It is my distinct honor, and with a great deal of excitement, that I announce the appointment of my successor as CEO of Raoust+Partners, Charles S. Parr, AKA Charlie.
Charlie has assumed the role of Chief Executive Officer as of April 1, 2021. I will remain as President and continue to be integrally involved with this company I am so proud of, as Chief Brand Strategist.
This announcement has been a long time coming, and I believe that as you know the Charlie we know, you will understand why this is a brilliant decision earned by a most deserving teammate.
Charlie actually began his career with R+P in 2000 as a design intern in his Senior year at Old Dominion University. In the 20+ years since, Charlie has constantly amazed us by his talents, the initiative he takes to learn and master new skill sets, his range of said skill sets, and just the exuberance and curiosity he brings that could not be more relevant or necessary to R+P’s success in our next 25 years.
Charlie is really looking forward to sharing his own ideas about what that future looks like for the Raoust team. In his own words, he describes here what NextGen means for our firm:
To me, it is about how a small but mighty agency can compete against firms with a deeper bench of players. So how do you stand out? You stand out by having a team made up of very well-rounded individuals with multiple talents. I've always been a Renaissance man when it comes to any facet of work we do here. I see great promise with the team we have in place for the next generation here.
Here's the thing. We've always (and it may not seem like it) been a little ahead of our time in things we do here. For example, we knew how to handle all of this remote work from home culture way before the pandemic. We saw digital media becoming the focus for marketing. We strive for client response to pretty much anything.
So how do I see the evolution of Raoust+Partners into the future, as bullet points?
- Foster multi-talented and multi-disciplined employees
- Creative and idea-focused
- Phenomenal output and insight
- Continue to show the value we bring to the table for any CMO or Marketing Director
- Never be smarmy
Raoust+Partners is in good hands, indeed.

Olivier Raoust
President - Raoust+Partners